4 UMMA Objects
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Naturalistic cow’s head of carved from wood with eyes cut from the bottoms of glass bottles. Natural cow horns are attached. Head is predominantly black with white triangle on forehead, red pigment surrounding eyes, red in interior of ears, white chin, and white dots on cheeks and in red ground around eyes. Horns are white, tipped in black; a fiber cord runs through its nostrils and around back of head.<br />
Bijogo (Bijogo)
Mask (vaca bruto, dugn'be type)
1925 – 1975
Gift of Avery Z. Eliscu
A study sketch of the heads of men along the top right side and a pair - a man and the devil - smoking in the bottom left corner.  The men on the right are all helmeted in different syles of helmet with pointed faces.  The man in the bottom corner is dressed in 17th century dress and reclining with legs outward while smoking.  The devil figure is hard to discern, but appears to be a standing gargoyle-like figure in the distance.  Clouds of smoke surround them.
George Cruikshank
Studies of Nine Male Helmeted Heads and a Man Smoking with a Devil
1825 – 1878
Joseph F. McCrindle Collection

1945 – 1955
Gift of Prof. and Mrs. Horace M. Miner

Yoruba (Yoruba (culture or style))
Epa Mask
19th century
Gift of Susan B. and John F. Ullrich